Our philosophy

The Budget Motel stands for quality, individuality and a family atmosphere - and all this at fair prices.

Whether business trips, group travel, short stays or long stays, we have the perfect offer for everyone.

Our hotel has fulfilled the 3-star hotel classification of Gastro Suisse since the beginning. Our team is committed to providing the best possible service and works tirelessly to maintain our high standards and good reputation.

Presenting our Team

Our motel is successfully managed by Nicole Beeler (Hotel Manager) and Sonia Montalbano (Assistant Manager) since the opening. They count on a long-standing and highly motivated team behind them. Every employee is dedicated to their work and we lay a lot of value on friendly interaction as well as good training and regular further professional qualification for all employees. We make it our daily goal, that all our guests are happy and they don't miss out on anything. We are looking forward to having you stay at our motel.

Nicole Beeler, Hotel Manager | Sonia Montalbano, Assistant Manager | Eva Bruhin, Receptionist | Edith Ruff, Receptionist | Peter Korn, Accounting


15 years of hospitality in Dällikon...

In 2021, the Budget Motel celebrated its 15th anniversary. We are looking forward to welcome our loyal guests as well as many new guests in our house.

Article Zürcher Unterländer

3-stars Hotellerie Suisse

Our motel has a 3-star-award from hotelleriesuisse - Swiss Hotel Association and meets a good middle class hotel standard. Convince yourself and stay with us at the Budget Motel in Dällikon.